special needs preschool

Get the best from special needs preschool Singapore

There is a definite need for you to sign your children to special needs preschool Singapore. Just for you to know that there is an early intervention programme for the Infants and children which will be able to receive and apply for the financial subsidies. There is a basic classroom learning with each class being of 2-8 children only in order to make sure that the teacher is paying attention to every single child.

special needs preschool

How can a special needs preschool Singapore help your children?

  • With the results, there is 100% of having to see children improvement.
  • 100% of the children are able to communicate with the needs and wants within a single year.
  • 90% of them transitioned to the mainstream or pick special education school.
  • If you are starting the process early that means that a significant number of the children gets transitioned to the school where they can meet with other children of the same age.

Here at ABC EarlyPreps Preschool happens to be the only global autism ABA centre which is approved by the Ministry of Social & Family development for the PPIP Scheme that is running in Singapore. This place is specially developed for children who are in the situation of having special needs. There are paediatricians recommended services that are offered here in order to meet with the special needs of the children. One should definitely apply for the same right now without wasting any time as there are fewer seats available for your children.